

时间已经进入节庆季和购物季,在欢乐过节的同时,我们应该更加注意安全。必须提醒朋友们的是,最近一段时间,长岛针对华人家庭入户偷盗、抢劫的案件有抬头的趋势,Lake Success 同一条路上有三、四家在一个月之内被入户偷盗, 从警方公布的消息来看失主均为华人; Syosset 仅我们知道的就有两家华人被入户偷盗,其中一家把衣帽间的衣服口袋都翻了; Jericho 上个月有一家华人被入户偷盗, 同一天另外三家被偷盗。


那么,如何防范入户盗窃、抢劫;发生盗窃、抢劫之后该怎么做? 大颈华人协会(GNCA)与长岛华人协会(LICAA) 联合主办,特别邀请在NYPD工作过二十年的资深安保专家Raymond Gong (江志强)为华人家庭如何进行安保、自卫防身等问题进行专题讲座。




Notes of Safety Seminar Dec 13, 2014


1. Many burglars happen during 1-3pm, when you are out to pick up the kids.

2. Alarm system. Try curbing on false alarms as after a few times your neighbors will not pay attention. Tell family esp children not to open the door to strangers. If at home, should answer the door to show someone is home.

3. Home with cameras on both first and second level are less attractive to burglars. Motion detection lights in the front, back yard and driveway.

4. Safes should be anchored to the floor so cannot be easily taken away.

5. If you use DVR to monitor indoors, they should be placed hidden. Once you see something suspicious on your monitor, call policea. Shouting to the burglars rarely works.

6. When out on vacation, use timer to keep lighting on in the night and preferably the schedule varies day to day. Coz burglars do take notes on each house’ routine.

7. Be careful with your personal info- keep driver license and cc in different wallets. GPS should not store home address. Swap cars with your wife once in a while. So that burglars cannot track you.

8. Emergency exit: At least one room upstairs should have serve as an emergency exit. Its door and lock should be as strong as your main door. It should have a landline and a fire escape ladder. The family should name a “panic word”. When that word is said, everyone understands they should run to the emergency room for safety. When escaped, run into a larger street and ask for help. Do not simply knock the door of your next neighbor as the invasionor can easily catch you there.

9. Never ask your kid to answer the door.

11. Do not leave valuable packages uncovered in the car. In the parking lot, before getting into the car, alway check whether there is something on the window that blocks driver’s view. Do not leave the door open or car running when stepping out to remove things from the window, Especially with a child in car.

12. Lock car and close window at gas station. Carry purse with you.

13. When selling your used car, take off license plate with you


Child safety

1. Tell children: Not talking to strangers. They may lure kids with candies or toys.

2. Daycare website: www.daycare.com. Background checking on daycare teachers

3. Ask daycare: how do they discipline children?

4. Amber alarm: alarm for missing children

5. Take biographics of your children: styrofoam to record their finger print, teeth print

6. Www.Nosopr.gov. Check for sex offenders.


Self defense

1. Standing ground is not applicable in NY.

2. You are supposed to retreat from invasion even if in your own house. If you are upstairs with a gun, and the burglar is downstairs without a gun, you better not shoot him. If both downstairs and he is climbing out to escape you cannot shoot him in his back. He can sue you. If he turns his front to you and is a threat to your life, your shooting him in the front is defendable. Always, your priority is to protect yourself and family, not to shoot the invasionor, as the lawsuit afterwards can get you into trouble.

3. Having a gun at home may not be an advantage- the burglar may grab your kid and threaten you to drop your gun to him

4. Always answer the landline, as burglars use them to test whether someone home. Teach the non-native family members a few English words: call back, no thanks etc.

5. Interaction with police: be courteous and cooperative. Do not argue with a uniformed cop. Make sure the communication is clear. They usually cannot search your trunk without your consent.

6. Car accident: quickly identify the driver, record conversation. Video or audio recording is legal for civil cases if you are part of the conversation.
